We are proud to be the #3 Krieghoff Dealer Worldwide for 2024 (7 years in a row) |
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We stock many grades of the K-80s and K-20s in Skeet and Sporting models. See our current inventory below! |
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Of course, we can supply any grade or model of K-80 or K-20 - Call (214) 651-9018 or email for availability! |
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e-mail Robert here: rpaxton@paxtonarms.com e-mail John here: john@paxtonarms.com |
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K80 Sporting
K80 Pro Sport
The K-80 Pro Sporter features a Floating Rib suspended higher above the barrel than conventional Sporting Clays and Skeet competition shotguns. The higher rib design and corresponding higher stock allow the shooter to keep their head in a more erect position on the stock, thereby increasing sight range and allowing for quicker target acquisition, reduced neck fatigue, and reduced perceived recoil. K80 Parcours
and Parcours X The Parcours gives the shooter a gun that is approximately 8 pounds with the proven reliability of the K-80 receiver. Featuring 30, 32 or 34" fixed choke bbls or bbls with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes, soldered rib barrels, a slimmer forearm and a totally new stock design, the K-80 Parcours points and moves with ease. Call Robert for more info on this exciting offering from Krieghoff. See our new K-80s and K-20s currently in stock below Give us a call if you don't see the K-80 you are looking for - or e-mail Robert here: rpaxton@paxtonarms.com |
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| K-80 | Gold Shadow Blued Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT002 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall extended chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 138805 Sug. List is $21,745 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT002 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall extended chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 137719 SOLD! Sug. List is $20,145 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Blued No Engraving Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped Gold Trigger - Right Hand CAT000 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall extended chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 139034 Sug. List is $15,770 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Left Hand CAT000 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 138121 Sug. List is $15,295 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 137526 Sug. List is $15,295 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Nitride Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - This K80 has upgraded CAT005 wood - Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5)- Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 134441 Sug. List is $32,445 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Bavaria Royale Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Jana Schilling - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137214 Sug. List is $40,845 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" mod | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | San Remo Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by K.Nonn - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137918 Sug. List is $38,045 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by K.Nonn - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137590 Sug. List is $35,045 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Heritage Scroll Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Reichle - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 138415 Sug. List is $32,545 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Hofbauer - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT003 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 138472 Sug. List is $24,745 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Parcours Special III Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT003 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135741 Sug. List is $23,245 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Std "Nitride" Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT002 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137048 Sug. List is $20,545 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT002 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137689 Sug. List is $20,145 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Parcours Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT002 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137062 Sug. List is $18,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT00 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - all accessories - case - Ser# 137195 Sug. List is $15,940 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting -This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - Gold Trigger - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 138262 Sug. List is $15,294 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with CAT000 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory Extended thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137656 Sug. List is $15,295 Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
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| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Nitride Grade 32" Pro Sporter - engraved by C.Carl - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137930 Sug. List is $28,245 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Grade 32" Pro Sporter - engraved by K. Nonn - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#136386 Sug. List is $25,745 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Eleganza Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135890 Sug. List is $20,295 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137612 Sug. List is $19,645 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic II Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135984 Sug. List is $19,145 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Renaissance "Uplander" 32" Sporting - engraved by Bonsi Bros. - 10x6 rib - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137496 SOLD! Sug. List is $57,085 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Crown Nitride "32" Sporting - engraved by Kropfitsch - 10x6 rib - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137227 Sug. List is $51,945 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Bavaria Royale "32" Sporting - engraved by Weitz - 10x6 rib - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137825 Sug. List is $39,745 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Blued Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Stubler - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 138356 Sug. List is $27,645 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Nitride Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Hofbauer - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 138359 Sug. List is $27,645 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by C.Carl - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 138278 Sug. List is $25,145 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Plantation Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Reichle - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 138401 Sug. List is $24,045 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Stnd "Case Color Hardened" Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137020 Sug. List is $24,340 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Standard Blued Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137994 Sug. List is $19,445 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 138097 Sug. List is $19,095 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic II Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137270 Sug. List is $18,545 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic Scroll Nickel Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#138388 Sug. List is $17,145 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Shadow Nickel Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT001 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137796 Sug. List is $15,045 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT000 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137544 Sug. List is $14,195 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | SKEET MODELS | | |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Gold Standard Blued Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Upgraded CAT002 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend -Negrini case - Ser# 137494 This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Vintage Scroll Nitride Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Upgraded CAT002 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend Negrini case - Ser# 137110 This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Shadow Nickle Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Upgraded CAT001 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend Negrini case - Ser# 137797 This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade Blued - 30" - Gold Trigger - 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Negrini case Ser#138835 This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | K-20S | | |
| K-20 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 30" 20 ga. Parcours Model - engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT005 wood - Right hand "Prince of Wales" stock - equipped fixed chokes (M/IM) - Ser# 135257 Sug. List is $33,945 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 30" 28 ga. Parcours Model - engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT005 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes - Ser# 133446 SOLD! Sug. List is $32,095 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Harmony Scroll Grade 32" Parcours Model 20/28 2 Bbl set - Currently configured with 20 ga. barrels with the new factory 20 ga. thin wall chokes - 28 ga. barrels are fixed choke (M/IM) - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter than the traditional Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 Wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - Ser#136903 SOLD! Note: This K20 can be purchased as a single or 2 barrel set at the customers request Sug. List is $26,840 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" 28 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes - Ser# 137574 Sug. List is $19,945 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Celtic II Grade 32" Sporter - 20 ga - 10x6 rib w/factory chokes - #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Ser# 135505 Sug. List is $18,545- Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Vintage Scroll Nitride Grade 32" 20 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes - Ser# 136927 Sug. List is $17,445 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | NEW K-80 & K-20 BARRELS | | |
| K-80 Carrier | 32" PARCOURS "X" Carrier bbls - w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralite tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish!) Total weight of the barrel with the sub gauge tubes is 1695 grams | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 Carrier | 32" PARCOURS Carrier bbls - w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralite tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish!) Total weight of the barrel with the sub gauge tubes is 1530 grams |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 Carrier | 32" PRO Sport Carrier bbls (higher, adjustable rib) w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish!) | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 Carrier | 30" PRO Sport Carrier bbls (higher, adjustable rib) w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish!) | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 Carrier | 32" Carrier bbls - 10x6 rib - w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish) | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 Carrier | 30" Carrier bbls - 10x6 rib - w/full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 flush chokes (Upgrade to extended chokes if you wish) | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12 ga 30, 32 or 34" PARCOURS Fixed Choke barrels OR with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12 ga. 32" PARCOURS "X" barrels with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 20 ga. PARCOURS Fixed Choke barrels OR with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 28 ga. PARCOURS Fixed Choke barrels OR with factory Krieghoff thin wall chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12/20/28/.410/ 30 or 32" Pro Sport Barrels w/factory chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12 ga. Fixed Choke Pro Sport Barrels (Mod/Im.Mod) (slightly lighter than barrels with factory chokes) | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12/20/28/.410/ 30" or 32" Barrels - 10x6 rib - w/factory chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12 ga - 30"/32" Fixed Choke Skeet barrels - 10x6 rib | | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | 12 ga - 32" or 30" Barrels - 10x6 rib - w/factory Ti chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | 20/28/.410 30" or 32" Barrels - 10x6 rib - w/factory chokes | | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | 20/28 ga. 30 or 32" PARCOURS Fixed Choke barrels (can easily install Briley chokes upon request) | | P.O.R. |
| | See some of our SOLD Krieghoffs below | | |
| K-80 | Krieghoff's 2017 Gun of the Year - engraved by Hendrik Fruhauf - Celebrating the life of William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody on the 100th Anniversary of his passing. The right side of the receiver illustrates how Cody earned his famous nickname. The left side shows Buffalo Bill riding into he Wild West Show bearing the American flag. The receiver bottom shows the classic showman pose Buffalo Bill was famous for framed in gold script and ornate scroll. Engraved on the Top Latch is the Medal of Honor awarded to Buffalo Bill for his work as a civilian scout during the Civil War. Click on the photo to the right to examine all sides. SOLD! |  | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | "Custom Upland" Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved by Alexandra Feodorow - You can see other examples of Ms. Feodorow's work here - www.af-gravuren.de This custom grade masterpiece features oil finished Crown Grade wood - Right hand stock w/factory adj. comb - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - case - Ser# 111002 - SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Custom Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This unique "one of a kind" was superbly engraved by W. Heym to the client's wishes - The client was ecstatic upon seeing this commissioned custom grade! - Obviously the happy client's initials are "RCP" - This is the new, significantly lighter Krieghoff Sporter - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Crown Grade/Case Color Hardened 32" Sporting - engraved by W. HEYM- 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 132514 SOLD! Sug. List is $52,590 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Renaissance Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Bonsi Bros - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood -This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 136172 SOLD! Sug. List is $44,645- Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
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| K-80 | Parcours Scroll Grade Parcours Model - 32" Sporting - (this grade is quite rare) equipped with Right hand CAT002 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135404 Sug. List is $18,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl "Mystic" Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135186 Sug. List is $34,545- Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Heritage Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport- engraved by Reichle - Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136005 Sug. List is $31,645 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Monarch Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by S. Weiss - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#136752 Sug. List is $37,995 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by K. Nonn - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#135308 Sug. List is $33,945 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Celtic Scroll II Blued Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Bonsi Brothers- 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT 003 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135517 Sug. List is $30,995 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Sporter - 20 ga - 10x6 rib w/factory chokes - #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Ser# 132140 Sug. List is $19,045- Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Standard Nitride Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137844 SOLD! Sug. List is $19,445 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137684 Sug. List is $19,045 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Mystic Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Reichle - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 136385 Sug. List is $34,845 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Heritage Scroll Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Reichle - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137027 SOLD! Sug. List is $32,745 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic Scroll Nitride Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135372 Sug. List is $18,390 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade 32" Pro Sport - Titanium chokes - CAT000 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137041 Sug. List is $14,795 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Blued Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - Gold Trigger Upgrade - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 136276 Sug. List is $15,770 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Crown Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by W. Heym - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135767 SOLD! Sug. List is $52,845 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport- engraved by C. CARL - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - RH #3 stock w/ factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136475 Sug. List is $24,245 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | San Remo Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by K.Nonn - 10x6 rib - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137860 Sug. List is $36,945 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade - 30" 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Negrini case Ser#136315 SOLD! This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Gold Super Scroll Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - currently configured with 30" 28 ga. barrels with the new factory 28 ga. thin wall chokes - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - Also lighter than the traditional K20 (approx 7 bls) - This K20 has a Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - and a special leather case! Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 134849 Sug. List is $26,295 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Stnd "Case Color Hardened" Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136272 SOLD! Sug. List is $24,340 - Call for more information and your price |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nickel Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137952 Sug. List is $20,945 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT003 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137186 SOLD! Sug. List is $24,745 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT002 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137779 Sug. List is $18,290 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Left Hand CAT002 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall extended chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 137716 Sug. List is $20,145 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Blued Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting -This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - Gold Trigger - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 137741 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,770 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Parcours Special III Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 137029 Sug. List is $22,145 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Eleganza Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#137222 Sug. List is $17,900 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade - 30" 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Negrini case Ser#137080 SOLD! This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Stnd Nitride Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 136287 -Note: The photos in the listing is configured as a 2 Bbl Carrier Set SOLD! This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | | | |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by A.Stemer- 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 134808 Sug. List is $51,945- Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Plantation Scroll Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Reichle - equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 136171 Sug. List is $25,145 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Stnd "Case Color Hardened" Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136689 Sug. List is $20,440 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Monarch Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Kropfitsch - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 134911 Sug. List is $37,495 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Plantation Scroll Grade Parcours Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Reichle - equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - five factory extended KTW chokes - case - Ser# 135345 Sug. List is $25,145 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Case Color Hardened Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT003 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135520 Sug. List is $33,640 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Stnd Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Upgraded CAT002 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 135002 SOLD! This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT003 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 136108 SOLD! Sug. List is $26,245 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours X model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Hofbauer equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood -The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams) - equipped with CAT002 wood - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137048 - Ser# 137186 Sug. List is $25,390 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model SOLD | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Celtic II Scroll Grade 32" Sporter - 20 ga - 10x6 rib w/ factory chokes - #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Ser#135502 Sug. List is $ 18,545 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Vienna Scroll Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - currently configured with 30" 28 ga. barrels with the new factory 28 ga. thin wall chokes - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - Also lighter than the traditional K20 (approx 7 bls) - This K20 has a Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - and a special leather case! Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 131205 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,095 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Eleganza Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136374 Sug. List is $20,295 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade - 30" 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Negrini case Ser#138122 This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade - 30" 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Negrini case Ser#136872 SOLD! This Skeet Model can be configured as a 1 or 2Bbl carrier set | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | | | |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" Sporting - Superbly engraved by Laupheimer - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Krieghoff Sporter in the iconic and classic "Crown" Grade with Case Color Hardened finish - Ser#131302 SOLD! Sug. List is $48,190 - Call for more information and your price on this Crown Grade | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | "Enhanced" Crown Grade 32" Sporting - Superbly engraved by Angelika Stemer - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - LH #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Enhancements include EXH grade wood - Settling Mallard on trigger guard - Dog on Top Latch - Ser#131628 SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Katherine Nonn- 10x6 rib - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131026 SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Std Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - RH CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff The Parcours "X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 Grams) - equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 134704 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,495 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nitride Grade 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 134389 Sug. List is $19,990 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Eleganza Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135023 Sug. List is $18,995 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Parcours Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - (this grade is quite rare) equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135963 Sug. List is $18,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Grade Parcours Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by K. Nonn - equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - fixed choke (M/IM) - case - Ser# 135764 Sug. List is $23,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model SOLD! |  | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Std Blue Grade Parcours Model - 32" Sporting - fixed choke M/IM - equipped with CAT003 wood - - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135938 Sug. List is $20,745 - Call for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135782 Sug. List is $18,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nickel Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135921 SOLD! Sug. List is $17,445 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Stnd "Case Color Hardened" Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 134392 SOLD! 6Sug. List is $22,290 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Std Blue Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135939 Sug. List is $20,545 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Parcours Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - (this offering is quite rare) equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 135963 Sug. List is $18,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nickel Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135790 SOLD! Sug. List is $17,445 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Standard Nitride Grade 32" Pro Sport - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135519 Sug. List is $20,045 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Nitride Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 133417 SOLD! Sug. List is $24,190- Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135781 Sug. List is $17,795 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Gold Stnd Blue Grade 32" 20 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall screw-in chokes - Ser#134221 Sug. List is $18,495 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Standard Grade Blued - 30" 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser#134731 SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with CAT000 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 134245 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,095 Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT000 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136696 Sug. List is $14,795 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT00 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forened - case - Ser# 136702 Sug. List is $14,195 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Hofbauer equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137190 SOLD! Sug. List is $25,390 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Nitride Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - fixed choke (IM/F) - all accessories - case - Ser# 136744 Sug. List is $14,840 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forened - case - Ser# 136793 Sug. List is $ 19,045 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 136821 Sug. List is $17,145 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT00 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forened - case - Ser# 137001 Sug. List is $14,195 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with CAT000 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory Extended thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137530 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,295 Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | | | |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135429 Sug. List is $17,795 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nitride Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135383 Sug. List is $15,590 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nickel Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135869 Sug. List is $14,995 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Stnd Blue Grade 30" Sporter - 28 ga - 10x6 rib w/factory chokes - Gold Trigger - #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Ser# 133755 SOLD! Sug. List is $13,320- Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Std "Case Color Hardened" Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 134945 SOLD! Sug. List is $23,090 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model
| .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | San Remo Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by K. Nonn - equipped with Right hand CAT005 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 134435 Sug. List is $34,895 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Blued/No Engraving Grade 32" 28 ga. Parcours Model with Gold Shield- This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - Fixed chokes (M/IM) - Ser# 133333 Sug. List is $15,115 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Stnd Grade 32" 20 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - Bbls feature factory thin wall flush screw-in chokes - case - Ser# 135997 Sug List is $13,695 - Call me for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-20 | Stnd Grade "Blued" 30" 20 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - Bbls feature fixed chokes (M/IM) - Gold trigger - case - Ser# 135989 Sug List is $13,345 - Call me for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.OR |
| K-20 | Gold Stnd Blue Grade 30" 28 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall screw-in chokes - Ser#134222 Sug. List is $18,495 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Case Color Hardened/No Engraving Grade 30" 28 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall screw-in chokes - Ser# 133003 SOLD! Sug. List is $19,815 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Harmony Scroll Grade 32" Sporting -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135900 Sug. List is $19,945 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Std Blue Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff Extended factory thin wall chokes (5) - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 134997 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Celtic Scroll Grade 32" Sporting -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 135951 Sug. List is $17,145 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nickel Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - equipped with CAT002 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135922 Sug. List is $17,445 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Gold Super Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - Highly Figured CAT005 Wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser#136387 Sug. List is $31,345 - Call for more information and your price SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with CAT000 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135760 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,095 Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with CAT000 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory Extended thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 137132 Sug. List is $15,295 Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Std Grade Parcours Model - 32" - Sporting - equipped with Right Hand CAT000 wood - Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - all accessories - case - Ser# 137113 Sug. List is $15,295 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| | | | |
| K-80 | Celtic II Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132867 SOLD! Sug. List is $17,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 32" 28 ga. Parcours Model - engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT005 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with fixed chokes (M/IM) - Ser# 132150 SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Nickel Grade "Parcours" Model - 34" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - equipped with factory Krieghoff thin wall screw-in chokes - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133633 SOLD! Sug. List is $22,295 -Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Gold Stnd Blue Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - CAT002 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 133046 SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Vienna Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133952 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Gold Stnd Case Color Hardened Grade 32" 20 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall screw-in chokes - Ser#134223 Sug. List is $23,090 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Superscroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Hofbauer - equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 135270 Sug. List is $26,295 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Nitride Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - Elegant upland scenes with Grouse and Pheasant - engraved and signed by S. Weitz - equipped with Right hand CAT003 wood - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - case - Ser# 134856 SOLD! Sug. List is $24,490 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R |
| K-80 | Parcours Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 132690 (This grade is quite rare) SOLD! Sug. List is $15,345 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Nitride Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132764 SOLD! Sug. List is $23,690 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Gold Stnd Blue Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - currently configured with 20 ga. Bbls w/Factory thin wall chokes - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - Also lighter than the traditional K20 (approx 7 bls) - This K20 has a Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - and a special leather case! Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 130655 SOLD! Sug. List is $17,290 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Celtic II Grade 30" 28 ga. Parcours Model - This new offering from Krieghoff is lighter that the traditional K20 Sporter (approx 7 lbs) - CAT002 wood - Right hand "Parcours" stock with factory adj. comb - Fixed choke M/IM - Ser# 132909 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,995 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Stnd Grade All Nickel "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting -This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - Fixed chokes - M/IM - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132858 SOLD! Sug. List is $13,345 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Case Color Hardened/No Engraving 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - Gold Trigger - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 132885 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,715 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Heritage Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT005 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 133599 SOLD! Sug. List is $29,095 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133341 SOLD! Sug. List is $20,790 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | San Remo Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 115054 SOLD! Sug. List is $30,795 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" "Parcours" Model - engraved by W. Heym - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case SOLD! Sug. List is $43,695 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" Sporting - Superbly engraved by W. Heym in a "Mallards/Pintails" theme - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock - Schnable forend - case - Krieghoff Sporter in the iconic and classic "Crown" Grade SOLD! Sug. List is $43,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Crown Grade | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Mystic Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Maxi Roth- 10x6 rib - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 130172 SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes - Engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 131616 SOLD! Sug. List is $29,190 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" "Parcours" Model - Engraved and signed by A. Stemmer - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" -This Parcours has the new factory Krieghoff thin wall screw-in chokes (5) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 131124 SOLD! Sug. List is $44,390 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Gold Super Scroll Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - currently configured with 28 ga. fixed choke barrels - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - Also lighter than the traditional K20 (approx 7 bls) - This K20 has a Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - and a special leather case! Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 130659 SOLD! Sug. List is $23,395 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | San Remo Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Katherine Nonn- 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131079 SOLD! Sug. List is $30,795 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Case Color Hardened - No Engraving Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - Gold Trigger - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132251 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,980 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nickel Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 132193 SOLD! Sug. List is $19,895 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Stnd Blue Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - Gold Trigger - case - Ser# 133555 SOLD! Sug. List is $14,120 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Laurel Scroll Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by J. Grobel - - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT004 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133628 SOLD! Sug. List is $26,995 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nickel Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130773 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,195 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Stnd/Case Color Hardened Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 130153 SOLD! Sug. List is $21,490 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 132089 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,195 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Case Color Hardened - No Engraving "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - Gold Trigger - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132252 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,285- Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | San Remo Grade "Parcours "X"" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 131080 SOLD! Sug. List is $34,590 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130733 SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Suhl Scroll Grade 32" Sporting - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - CAT003 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131029 SOLD! Sug. List is $19,995 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | PRO SKEET Gold Shadow Grade - 30" - 5 factory Titanium chokes - equipped with Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes w/12 chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 131213 SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Shadow Nickel Grade "Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133101 SOLD! Sug. List is $14,295 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Vintage Scroll Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 131664 SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-20 | Vienna Scroll Grade 30" VICTORIA Model - currently configured with 28 ga. fixed choke barrels - This new offering from Krieghoff is tailored for ladies - Shorter LOP and appropriate pitch and cast - Also lighter than the traditional K20 (approx 7 bls) - This K20 has a Right hand stock with a factory adj. comb - and a special leather case! Call me for more information on the new Victoria model from Krieghoff! Ser# 131196 SOLD! Sug. List is $16,395 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Blue/No Engraving 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - Gold Trigger - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131357 Sug. List is $13,820 - Call me for more information and your price. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | SKEET SPECIAL Stnd Grade - 30" - 10x6 rib - Full set of Briley Ultimate Ultralight tubes - 5 Extended Titanium factory 12 ga. chokes - Upgraded CAT002 wood - Right Hand #6 stock - #3 forend - Americase or Negrini case (your choice) Ser# 132844 SOLD! | .JPG) | |
| K-80 | Crown Grade 32" Sporting - engraved and signed by Jana Schilling - 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case SOLD! Sug. List is $41,395 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Katherin Nonn- 10x6 rib - Titanium chokes - RH #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call for more information and your price | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Heritage Scroll Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved and signed by H. Fruhauf - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130246 SOLD! Sug. List is $26,695 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Celtic Scroll Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - CAT002 wood - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131318 SOLD! Sug. List is $15,195 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Suhl Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130514 SOLD! Sug. List is $28,495 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Super Scroll Nickel Grade 32" Pro Sport -Titanium chokes - Right hand #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - case - Ser# 131388 SOLD! Sug. List is $18,595 - Call me for more information and your price. | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Gold Stnd/Case Color Hardened Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130038 SOLD! Sug. List is $21,090 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Stnd All Nickel Grade "Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 132295 SOLD! Sug. List is $13,515 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Vintage Scroll Nitride Grade Parcours "X" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the newest offering from Krieghoff - The "Parcours X" model features slightly heavier Parcours barrels (1540 grams)- equipped with the new Krieghoff factory thin wall chokes (5) - flat rib - CAT002 wood - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 133643 SOLD! Sug. List is $16,390 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours "X" model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Crown Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - Superbly engraved by W. Heym in a "Pointers/Quail/Pheasants" theme - This is the new, significantly lighter Krieghoff Sporter in the iconic and classic "Crown" Grade - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case SOLD! Sug. List is $41,395 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .jpg) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Bavaria Royale Grade "Parcours" Model - 32" Sporting - This is the lighter Krieghoff Sporting model - The "Parcours" - fixed choke (M/IM) - flat rib - w/factory adj. comb - case - Ser# 130759 SOLD! Sug. List is $22,095 - Call for more information and your price on this Parcours model | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
| K-80 | Custom San Remo 32" Pro Sport - engraved by Harald Schlott - #3 stock w/factory adj. comb - Schnabel forend - Titanium chokes - case - This is an updated interpretation of the old K-32 San Remo grade. SOLD! | .JPG) | P.O.R. |
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e-mail rpaxton@paxtonarms.com |