
 | Welcome to Paxton Arms | .... Serving the Competition Clay Target Shooter since 1978. | (214) 651-9018 | email Robert Paxton here email John Fournier here |
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We are very proud to be named the #3 Worldwide Dealer for Krieghoff for 2024 (7 years in a row) .JPG)
"Gold Renaissance Uplander" Grade 32" Sporting - engraved by Bonsi Bros | | |  | | | | | | The next step in the evolution of the K-80 is the introduction of the K-80 Parcours. (seen above) Perfectly balanced between the hands, the Parcours gives the shooter a gun that is approximately 8 pounds with the proven reliability of the K-80 receiver. Featuring 32” fixed choke, soldered rib barrels, a slimmer forearm and a totally new stock design the K-80 Parcours points and moves with ease. Call Robert for more information on this exciting offering from Krieghoff. | | | | | | .JPG) | | | K80 CROWN Grade Sporting engraved by Kropfitsch | | | .JPG) | | | K80 San Remo Grade Sporting - engraved by Katherine Nonn 
Bavaria Suhl Mystic Grade Parcours X | | | We also feature: An outstanding selection of quality Pre-Owned Shotguns. We specialize in providing the skeet and sporting clays shooter with the best selection, guidance and competitive pricing, offering the finest brands of competition shotguns built in the world today. The owner is NSSA Hall of Famer Robert Paxton. Give us a call and ask for Robert, as he will work with you personally to select and fine tune your competition shotgun. Offering only the finest lines of Competition Shotguns and Accessories. | | | email Robert here | | | | | | We work by appointment only, so if you are going to be in the Dallas area, please call. We will be happy to schedule your appointment so that we can give you our full attention! (214) 651-9018 Inspection and Trial offer |
See one of our Pre-Owned Guns you like? We can arrange to ship it to you for inspection and trial. | | Paxton Arms P.O. Box 852516 Richardson, TX 75085 Phone (214) 651-9018 Fax (972) 907-2499 Email Robert here rpaxton@paxtonarms.com | | |
| Pre-Owned Specials | .JPG)
K20 Stnd "All Nickel" Parcours Game Gun - 20 ga. 30" bbls have Briley chokes - Factory Right hand Parcours field stock (Prince of Wales grip) - engraved top latch - in excellent condition...$9,700
K80 32" "Gold Stnd Blue" grade PRO Sport - with upgraded CAT005 Right hand wood - This 2023 model is in excellent condition.....$18,500 .JPG)
Perazzi MX2000/8 GOLD - 31.5" - engraved and signed by Badillini - 11x7 4mm ramped rib - Fixed chokes M/IM - ported - This rare "Gold" model is in excellent condition.....$13,500 See them all with more detailed descriptions: Click HERE
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